- 混乱{こんらん}を収拾{しゅうしゅう}する
resolve a confusion 意味
- in october , 416 , in order to resolve a confusion in the uji-kabane system (the system of clans and hereditary titles ) among various clans , the emperor carried out kugatachi ordeal (also known as kukatachi or kukadachi , which refers to hot-water ordeal ) at amakashi no oka hill in asuka .
- "resolve" 意味
- "resolve a bottleneck" 意味
- "resolve a complicated matter with difficulty" 意味
- "resolve a compound into its elements" 意味
- "resolve a conflict" 意味
- "resolve a contradiction" 意味
- "resolve a controversy" 意味
- "resolve a costly duplicate payment problem" 意味
- "resolve a crisis" 意味
- "resolve a compound into its elements" 意味
- "resolve a conflict" 意味
- "resolve a contradiction" 意味
- "resolve a controversy" 意味